Dungeons and Dragons Books

This page contains links to various books and products for Dungeons and Dragons. I am a member of Amazon’s Affiliate program, which means that if you buy something through the link, you do not pay anything more! Amazon simply sends back a commission that helps keep this site up and going.

Beginner Boxes

Core Rule Books

Player and Dungeon Master Options Books

While these books have additional race, class, and rules options, many are presented within the context of a setting. A setting is a wider, fictional world.

Monster Books!

Adventure Books

Third-Party Publishers

A third-party publisher is someone who produces materials for Dungeons and Dragon’s 5th Edition, but is not officially licensed to do so by Wizards of the Coast. I personally think the best third-party publisher is Kobold Press. Most of these are smaller publishers and do not have high print runs. Some of these items may be out of stock or used.


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